
Friday, August 21, 2015

From the Cupboard: Spatula

Inventor: John Spaduala
The Spatula is a broad and flat kitchen utensil with a handle. It is also called a Scraper because it is often used to scrape off food or sauces that stick to the inner surface of bowls and bottles. There are many kinds of Spatula that evolved over time. The usual Spatulas that can be seen before are the wooden ones and the metal Spatulas usually found in clinics or hospitals for medicinal use.

John Spaduala, a European man, had invented the Spatula during the late 1880 because he had an injured hand. He worked under a chef named Hans Krugar, who was ill-nature and it happened that the chef crushed John's right hand with a pot lid just because he did not added enough beet to a soup they were cooking. John's fingers broke and when it recovered, he could not move it at all. John still worked for the chef but cannot use his right hand well so he tried inventing things like small sticks to spread butter on toasts. He also used other invented tools for him to work in the kitchen easily. The first form of the Spatula was a piece of board then later on he further innovate it into a thinner board with a handle.

Today, Spatulas come in different shapes, sizes, colors and quality. There are rubber Spatulas and silicone Spatulas that can be used even in hot food. They really make cooking much easier :)

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