
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Green Minded: Iceberg Lettuce

Scientific Name: Lactuca Sativa (Lettuce)
There are about six different species of Lettuce and one of them is the Iceberg Lettuce. It is called Iceberg because of its white color during its first development in 1894. But originally Lettuce existed way back when the pharaohs reign Egypt and they use the Lettuce seed to produce oil. It is also considered as a scared plant and images of Lettuce can be seen carved in stones and jars. Later, Greeks and Romans further developed these plants until it was produced world wide. The color of Iceberg Lettuce is usually lighter than the other species and the texture is crunchier. Its leaves are firm; formed to a ball when mature and is easier for shipment.

Iceberg Lettuce is usually known to have the lowest nutritional value among all of the Lettuce species, so usually it is always left behind and frequently used as a bowl for salads rather than for consumption. But Iceberg Lettuce is rich in Vitamin K and that is not a bad thing because this can help your wounds heal faster and can prevent osteoporosis as a person ages.

The basic use for Iceberg Lettuce like any other Lettuce is to use them in salads. I also tried sautéing Iceberg Lettuce along toasted garlic and it's very yummy! 

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