
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Say Cheese!: Cheddar Cheese

Italian Name: Cheddar
Cheddar is a town name in Somerset, England. The town have caves that contains the perfect humidity for the cheese to mature. It was produced as early as the 12th century and the father of Cheddar Cheese is Joseph Harding because he was the one who mastered Cheddar Cheese production. He had some techniques and as well as the proper ways to produce the cheese perfectly. Queen Elizabeth I even said that the best makers or cheese are located in the town named Cheddar. Milk is pasteurized to kill bacteria and rennet is added to help set the milk. Then the milk is treated to produce curds and whey is drained from it. These curds are further processed and formed into blocks, stacking them so that whey is further squeezed out - Cheddaring Process. It will pass through a mill where salt will be added to help preserve the cheese. They will be further formed into smooth blocks and stored for about 3 months until it gets ready. It's color will also change from white to dark yellow during the process.

Cheddar Cheese is rich in protein and can be very filling. It contains vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A, B1, B6, B12, D and E. It also has potassium, riboflavin, zinc, magnesium and especially calcium. Cheedar Cheese is very good for vision, internal organs and bones.

Inside-out Ravioli, Chicken Lasaga, Baked Stuffed Peppers, Club House Sandwiches are only some of the many dishes or snacks that uses Cheddar Cheese. You can always experiment and see if it goes well.

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