
Friday, October 16, 2015

Just at the Ripe Time: Honeydew

Scientific Name: Cucumis melo
Honeydews or Honeymelon are cultivated in France and Algeria many years ago and later was produced in China. Other names for Honeydew include: Bailan melon, Wallace melon and Winter melon (because they ripen very slow and can only be harvested during late Fall). Honeydews are round in shape, sometimes a bit oval and the flesh is colored slightly yellowish to green unlike the orange-y counterpart, which is the Canteloupe. The flesh is very sweet and this fruit is mostly used in salads and beverages.

They are very good in maintain blood pressure levels and is also rich in Vitamin C. It also contain potassium and Vitamin B-6. It's great for adding moisture to skin and help promote good digestion

Honeydews are often used in fresh fruit salads. It can be plain Hoeneydew with cream or we can do a medley salad with Canteloupe and Watermelon. Just thinking of it really makes me excited!~ Honeydews can also be made into smoothies or shakes and can be added as a flavoring for pastries. You can even add this in meat dishes just for some twisties : )

~Let's live healthy : )

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